The first step of the Lifecycle begins when someone notices a problem, so they raise a work request and submit for approval.
The AMS Work Order Lifecycle Suite
A better way to manage work orders!
The existing Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides a single work order application with fixed options and limited space, never taking into account the various nuances needed for each user role or step in the WO lifecycle. We tackled this pain point of frustration and overwhelming confusion by developing a simple, user-friendly solution that is easy for each member of your team to use.
The AMS Work Order Lifecycle Suite
A better way to manage work orders!
The existing Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides a single work order application with fixed options and limited space, never taking into account the various nuances needed for each user role or step in the WO lifecycle. We tackled this pain point of frustration and overwhelming confusion by developing a simple, user-friendly solution that is easy for each member of your team to use.
Because Every Step of The Work Order Process Needs to Be Easy, Clear & Secure
The correct person will evaluate the job and plan the parts, the resources (tradespeople, mechanics, electricians), and contractors. They’ll estimate the number of tasks that have to be done and the hours to complete them. This is all part of planning a work order.
After planning comes scheduling – a normal work order, what we call a corrective work order, will need to be carefully scheduled down to the week or day, in order to avoid any disruption to production. An emergency, or a reactive work order, can leapfrog all the way from a request to execution.
“Knowledge (or data) is the seed, and information is the harvest.” Documenting and taking careful notes on how an issue is resolved is an important part of this Execution step. This will help current and future teams know how to manage and prevent problems in the future.
For any tightly run organization, the review process is an integral step in the Lifecycle. Did it cost more than we said it would? Did it take as much time as we thought it would? Is there anything we need to know for next time? These notes are game changers for any successful enterprise. AMS Work Order Lifecycle Suite makes it easy to document and review.
The accounting close process locks the work order down into history, makes sure all the vendors have been paid, and makes sure you’ve allocated the expense of the maintenance correctly. AMS Work Order Lifecycle Suite ensures this process is automated so as not to burden the Maintenance department with additional processes to post to Accounting.
Lifecycle of a Work Order
Because Every Step of The Work Order Process Needs to Be Easy, Clear & Secure
“Dream Come True!”
“We needed to find a better way of processing work orders within the Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software. AMS Work Order Lifecycle Suite fixed a huge problem for us! It took the existing busy screens that took forever to complete, and made it so easy to request the work order that we needed. It’s even easy for us ‘old guys’ to pick up and use. Amazing!”
~ Senior Mechanic, Manufacturing Plant
Our Enhancement Suite Saves You Time & Money
The AMS Work Order Lifecycle Suite includes the following enhancement applications:
WO Request & Approvals
Enhanced Planners Workbench
Enhanced Scheduler Workbench
Technicians Workbench for Execution and Completions
Manager WO Review
Automated Accounting WO Close
It becomes very difficult to take a single screen, create variants of that with security training and everything else that goes into processing a work order.
We’re taking away clicks of the keyboard and mouse and we’re making navigation easier. We’re making data entry easier. We’re saving minutes and money. When you’re processing 400, 800, or 1,000 work orders a week, every minute you spend matters.
Instead of the existing single program, we have created separate programs for each step of the Work Order LifeCycle Suite. The value of this is in real time. Assign secure personnel to the appropriate program, alleviate confusion, and improve documentation for the future.
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